Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I Commit You To God

I've recently made a friend. We have a lot in common and have enjoyed spending time playing disc golf, hiking, taking photos of creation, and listening to the birds. I have enjoyed his friendship so much and feel honored to know him. However, once I started getting to know him better, I learned that he has recently left the church and closed the Bible in order to "give up control" and get some things figured out. Something tragic happened to two people he dearly loved and he has never been the same since. This event caused him to question everything he once believed and to begin to distrust God. After several conversations about this, my heart grew so heavy that I thought it would fall out of my body through my feet. Many tears have been shed over his lost faith and the look of sadness in his eyes.

A part of Pine Cove (where I am now so thankfully and happily a full-time employee!!!) tradition is to have weekly "one-on-ones" with your boss. It is a time for you to share what's going on in your life and also discuss any questions or concerns you have about work related issues. It is a safe place and guarded by confidentiality. I had my first one-on-one today with a women that is beyond amazing. She is truly a woman after God's own heart. I shared with her my heart for this young man and she gave me some extremely wise advice. She said that people either accept God or they reject God. There is no middle ground. She said that what this young man might be doing is using the tragedy he has experienced as a screen to hide the fact that he is angry at God and is rejecting him. She encouraged me that I can do nothing but pray, love him, and be there as a friend. She said it's between him and God and at the end of it all, he's the one who decides if he's for or against God. She challenged me to step away, let God have him, and just pray.

That led me to a hard place. I want to be the person that says the one thing that changes his life forever. I want to be the person that loves him  unconditionally and leads him back to Jesus.  I want to be the person who sits and listens as he hashes things out. I want to be the person who speaks truth into his life and gets him to surrender. However, while I do love him and want him to know Jesus, part of the reason is pride. I want to control him. I want to play God. I want to heal, help, and mend him. But I can't. Only the Father is the healer, mender, helper.

Today as I picked up my Bible it fell open to Acts 20. I read down to verse 32 and broke down in tears.

"Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified."

And so, with tears running down my face, as I again realized my pride, I surrendered my friend to Jesus' hands. Although I love him and want to help, I am not God. I can pray; and that I will do as often as I can. But ONLY God can build him up and give him an inheritance.

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